Well, well, well...what a difference a couple of weeks make. BB is now crawling with massive confidence and is exploring the rooms that she is usually carried into. The delight on her face just warms my heart. At first, when she was nearing "out of bounds" items such as the TV and sound equipment or the bookshelf of DVDs I would call out her name and she would pause...look at me and smile...pause...and usually stay where she was. That is now totally out of the window. Now, when I call out her name she just carries on on her way her bottom wriggling in the air at me in defiance! So it has started properly. BB really is in charge of herself and I can but watch and protect as best I can. I did half wonder if I could enroll her in some sort of puppy school? would that work? he he he
And I don't think that her mobility will be limited to just crawling for very much longer. The last couple of days have seen her getting the strength enough to pull herself onto one foot on both her cot bed and our coffee tables, clinging on, like a scene out of "Cliffhanger", only without the cliff!
So baby proofing has become top priority this week. Plug sockets have been blocked, anti-door slammers have been put in use but we still need to sort out drawer and cupboard closers and stair gates.
BB had her first full day at nursery this week and she did amazingly well! After we arrived I stayed with her just for a few minutes until she was distracted enough by some of the toys and left her to it, hoping that she wouldn't notice that I had gone. However, by the time I reached my car the tears had descended. These were mine, not hers. She was still happily playing as I drove off in tears. I distracted myself with the radio and once I got home and managed to pull myself together. Luckily I had planned a busy day in the hope that I wouldn't miss BB too much. I called the nursery after an hour and again after lunch to make sure she was OK. Both times they confirmed that she was napping and had been playing well with the other little ones. I was so relieved that she was enjoying herself. When it came time to pick her up I was excited to see her smiley face. When I saw her one of the baby rooms she was playing happily with some toys and she just saw me at the doorway and smiled! I was so happy! I had to let a couple of the other mums out of the room and so was out of BB's eyesight and when I actually managed to get into the room BB was balling. Her little face was going red and tears were rolling down her cheeks. The surprise at seeing me again and then "disappearing" had obviously upset her a little, but it was nothing some mummy and BB cuddles couldn't sort out!
BB's first birthday is fast approaching - she is now just over 10 months old - and the grandparents are already worrying about presents, which made us start to worry about the fact that we hadn't even thought about worrying about presents yet, never mind a party or celebration of some sort. Guess we'll need to start thinking about it!
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