Cuddles and Kisses

Apologies for massive time gap since my last post - suffice to say our household has been a little busy of late.

We had managed to pick one of the worst weeks weather-wise to go away, with most of the UK flooding due to the heavy rain. We had gone to Snowdonia and although some parts of Wales were badly hit, we were pretty lucky that the floods didn't reach us - although the heavy rain did.

This did not stop Mr B going on mountain bike rides (all on his own with no signal on his phone) as often as he could - three times - in an effort to make the most of his time away from the office, although this didn't mean he didn't check his work emails and actually have to do some work, most days.

In any event, we had a very relaxing week, well I did, particularly as Mr B did all of our cooking - I prepared all of BB's meals - and I managed to read and finish two whole books! A feat I have not accomplished for some time. SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT!! One of the books was one that I had agreed to review as part of  bloggers team who were reviewing the books shortlisted for this years Man Booker Prize - see link if you fancy it -

By the end of our week away, however, I was pretty ready to get back home...and start on the various tasks I had set myself to do. As some of you are aware, I am busy building two businesses around looking after BB and the home - multi-tasking is so long gone. I am way beyond that! ha ha ha!

But back to BB, who seems to be growing at a faster rate than my tasks list, is doing really well. She will now walk whilst holding just one of our hands (as opposed to the clutching onto both of them, which she has favoured for a while), has learnt to give cuddles and kisses (so, so, so cute) - so much so that she gives them to her cuddly toys too - and she said her first "Hi, Daddy" the other night - which just melted Mr B's heart after a long hard day at the office.

However, BB also caught her first sickness bug this week. She has never been a particularly sicky baby so this did worry us a fair bit. Two nights of being sick and a couple of days of rather loose poos (TMI?!?) and she seems to be on the mend. And yet, she does seem to be teething (a constant in little ones I am fast realising) and she has her next set of jabs this afternoon!! boo hiss! But, I am rather glad that she had the sickness bug before the jabs otherwise my mind would be spinning into all sorts of negative directions!

So...till next time...not as long as last time...promise!

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