Every week when the grandparents see BB, they tend to comment on how she has changed since the last time they saw her. I have not always noticed these slight changes, as it is not so easy to see them when you spend your whole time with your child. This week, however, I have noticed a few. And it is becoming clear that my baby is not so much of a baby anymore. At 7 months old she really knows her mind and what she wants (and what she does not want). She has definite character and has a few favourite things that really make her giggle. BB is more than just a baby now, she is a little person. And I have to say, I am loving this phase!
Solids seem to be a breeze for her and I am having to try to come up with new things to offer her and prepare proper little meals rather than just fingers foods, which she demolishes with gusto.
I am now making more of an effort to put BB in little outfits when we are out and about rather than just her "onesies", and apart from the struggle to put tights on (one leg escapes as I try to insert the other), the taking off of socks (sock-ons have now been purchased) and the pulling off of hats (need to come up with something here - elastic?), we are doing pretty well.
There is still no real sign of teeth, although BB does have some of teething symptoms which seem to come and go.
As the weather has become a fair bit warmer (not sure how long for though) we have been able to make proper use of the garden. Picnic rug out, BB clothed head to toe (hat has to be replaced on a regular basis) and surround BB with toys - only for her to be more taken with a passing bird or the gentle swaying of nearby trees and bushes.
I have been going through some of my summer maternity wear this week to lend to my sister-in-law who is due with her first baby next month. Talking with her, over an orange juice and a chocolate twist at a local coffee shop last week, reminded me of the worries all soon to be mums tend to have before the big arrival. It was nice to be able to reassure her in some aspects and to give advice as and when she asked for it. With BB bouncing on my lap it really brought it home just how much BB has grown and how much we have been through over the last few months. I remember advice from a friend that once you get to three months and then six months it does get easier but at the time I just couldn't see past the hectic haze I felt I was in. Now on the other side, those first few weeks sort of seem like a lifetime ago. So much so, that Mr B and I have started talking about whether or not to add to our brood - not that we are planning to for some time yet, but, the fact that we are able to even think about it, whereas a few months ago we could not even contemplate why we would put ourselves through the same situation again, feels as if we are moving forward and coping better, together.
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