Stuck at home mum

Over the last couple of months my car has been in and out of the garage which has meant that I have been literally staying at home as I haven't been able to get out and about. At first I was itching to get out just because I knew I couldn't. Then after the first three weeks BB and I got into a new groove at home. Her naps were like clockwork, she was getting far more confident with food at mealtimes and we were very fortunate to have friends come over to us with their little ones so that we weren't totally alone all the time. However, all this time at home, apart from the walks up to the local shop, meant that BB got to know her toys very well and I could tell that she was starting to get a little bored of them. So a block set of different shapes and colours was ordered which she absolutely loves.

BB has always been pretty strong and I can see that she is itching to get moving but her crawling isn't quite there yet. So, in order to keep her entertained I have also purchased a box set of flashcards, which include the alphabet, shapes and colours, numbers, first words, phonics and sight words. Obviously BB is still very young so I am not sure how much is actually going in (and I am not using them on daily basis) but she does giggle at the pictures and at the sounds - particularly the words "button" and "ball". I also have a pack of French flashcards. Having grown up in France and Belgium I am keen to get BB to learn French so I am hoping that these will get her used to the words and the pronunciations. I already have some French children's books which I have been reading to BB from time to time, which are also helping me to keep my French going.

BB is now just over  7 1/2 months old and over the last month or so there haven't been many changes. Yes, she is growing well and is getting more confident in herself and her abilities but there aren't quite as many things to look out for compared to a few months ago. However, this all changed the other morning whilst BB was sitting up in her cot and I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I was waving to her and she waved back. She actually waved back! It was like getting a fin wave from a humpback whale - I saw it in slow motion, but blinked and I would have missed it. I yelped to Mr B who came running and didn't quite believe me. So he started waving to her, she smiled, and waved back to him too. Suffice to say she hasn't done it since but we keep encouraging her.

BB's babbling is coming on too. She will happily bash her arm down to get our attention and start telling us, quite importantly that "bah bah bah bah bah bah bah" - not quite a dada but almost!

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