The magical three month mark - weeks 10-12

Due to the type of delivery BB had, the Health Visitor recommended that BB be seen by an Osteopath. BB had her first appointment at 10 weeks as I was also concerned that she might have had some residual tension or pain in her head from the use of the forceps. Sure enough this was confirmed by the Osteopath (as well as a slight twist in BB's pelvis) who recommended four sessions to relieve this. In fact the Osteopath thought that BB had coped with the tension pretty well by the sounds of it, although I had to admit that it had been quite difficult to put BB down for her daytime naps as as soon as you lie her down she starts crying and that often, when she does have her crying tantrums she does hit her head with her little fists.

The first couple of sessions were pretty tough. My mum came with me to the first appointment and waited outside the treatment room. Unfortunately, BB found the experience quite uncomfortable and cried through most of it and at one point my mum came flying through the door to check on what was happening – Granny to the rescue! It was upsetting to see BB like this but I had been warned that she could react this way. I was told to indulge her over the next 24 hrs or so and to give her lots of cuddles, which of course I did. After the first two sessions BB relaxed into the treatment and after the fourth she was discharged. I do hope that the treatment has alleviated the tension in her head for her and I must say that putting her down for her daytime naps is much quicker and easier now and she doesn't seem to cry half as much as she used to. Of course, this could also be partly due to her simply growing out of it.

On the development side we were particularly excited to witness BB rolling onto her sides. This was at 10 weeks + 6 and we were both there. Mr B had taken the day off from work and had BB on her play mat whilst I was catching up on emails. As he looked away for a second I noticed that BB was on her side. I asked Mr B if he had placed her like this, which he denied. We were both a bit perplexed as BB hadn't really shown much interest in rolling over just yet. So we rolled her back onto her back and played with her a bit more, thinking it might have just been a fluke. But just a few minutes later we both witnessed her rolling onto her other side. We were both overjoyed by this but BB seemed far more chilled out by the whole affair than we were. I was so pleased that Mr B was there to see it too.

Tummy time has never been a particularly fun game for BB but I do try to do it every so often (tummy time is simply putting the baby on their stomach so as to help strengthen their neck – it also helps them to get ready with pushing themselves up on their arms, rolling over, sitting up and crawling). Most of our tummy time sessions are pretty short as BB tends to cry after just a few short minutes but by 12 weeks + 4 I notice she has a much stronger head lift and that she is a generally more confident baby on her tummy.

All our friends who have children told us during the early weeks that once you hit the three month mark everything gets easier. At that time though, three months seemed a very, very long way off and I wasn't sure that we would still be sane by then! But as the days and weeks wore on BB's sleeping pattern did seem to settle more and more. I had got used to waking 2-3 times a night for changes and feeds but at 10 weeks + 2 we had our first night of just having 1 feed. This made a massive difference but we couldn't help but worry a little that BB would be starving!!

A week later we had our first Waterbabies session. BB seemed rather shy at first and would bury her head into me as we sat on one of the chairs watching the class before ours. I think the noise and the new environment was a bit overwhelming at first but once in the water she coped very well. So well in fact that she went on to sleep through the night for the first time! We, of course, didn't. We kept waking up at BB's usual wake up times to check on her and expecting her to wake up for a feed any minute, but she didn't. She was fast asleep, dreaming of what ever babies dream of.

Over the next couple of weeks we noticed that when she did drop off to sleep in her basket her arms would bang onto the sides and wake her up again. She was also able to kick the bottom end, so thoughts turned to putting her in her cot. Our room is not quite big enough to have the cot in with us so this would mean putting her in her own roo. The advice given by the experts is that babies should stay in their parents' room till around 6 months, so we were rather torn. But at 12 weeks we decided to try BB out in her cot and in a Grobag. We allowed some time to settle BB in her room, but as we use it to change her all the time she was already familiar with and went down pretty easily.

Strangely enough, I was more affected by the fact that BB would no longer be in our room and was actually quite happy in her cot than when I try to get her to feed from a bottle. This change of room for her, which she took in her little baby stride, was a massive change and leap for me. I suddenly realised just how quickly BB was changing and growing up.

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